
Nesting birds. All birds and their nests (apart from notable pest species) are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Coots, ducks and moorhens can all nest on pond banks, while reed warblers, sedge warblers and reed buntings can all be found nesting in the reeds that grow out of ponds and along pond edges.  Rarer species might nest there too.

Great Crested Newts are protected by both UK and European law and they are dependant on ponds for breeding. Oustide of the breeding season (February-August) they live on land and can be found several hundreds of metres away from ponds, but may also be in stone piles, stone walls, log piles and dense vegetation adjacent to ponds.

Creating new ponds is beneficial for wildlife, though careful consideration of the location and dimensions is essential. The creation of ponds often requires planning permission and may also require consent from Natural Resources Wales.

The stocking of fish in ponds for angling purposes is detrimental to wildlife. Where great crested newts are present this would constitute an offence as the fish will eat both eggs and larvae and soon the population would disappear.

Read more about great crested newts and planning here.