What are the priority habitats and species?
The Welsh Government is required to produce lists of the habitats and species of principal importance for conservation in Wales under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 – they are known as the Section 42 lists. The lists contain all UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority habitats and species known to occur in Wales.
How do we protect them?
These habitats and species have a legal protection that extend to public bodies having due regard to them when performing their functions. Policies 6 and 7 in our Local Development Plan ensure these habitats and species are fully considered as part of the planning process in the National Park.
For more information on the Biodiversity Action Plan habitats and species found in the National Park and how they are safe-guarded during the planning process, please see the Authority Approved Planning Guidance (AAPG) for Biodiversity.
The Wales Biodiversity Partnership co-ordinates national and local actions for biodiversity and promotes biodiversity news and events. There is also more information on the UKBAP website.