Wildlife and Planning

The Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority has a responsibility to protect, conserve and enhance wildlife and the natural environment when considering development proposals. Vulnerable species and habitats can be adversely affected as a result of development and it is essential to consider the potential impacts of proposals upon the ecology of development sites. If there is potential for any adverse impacts, mitigation or compensation measures may need to be incorporated.

European and UK legislation provides protection to certain species and sites; there is also national and local planning policy and guidance on the protection of wildlife. The level of protection afforded to these species and habitats varies, but is a material consideration at all stages of the planning and development process. A summary table of wildlife legislation, policy and guidance can be found here.

Natural Resources Wales are the statutory consultee on planning applications that affect designated sites and protected species. Further information on their work can be found here.

It is important to consider wildlife issues and [where necessary] commission surveys early in the planning process in order to avoid unnecessary delays to your planning application. Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority has produced Supplementary Planning Guidance in Biodiversity and Development. Please refer to this guidance before submitting a planning application; it is available as full guidance and as summary versions for use by householders and developers.

The Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (BIS) is an important resource for records of species and habitats at and around development sites.

In the event of your planning application being considered acceptable in all other respects, there is likely to be a requirement for some form of biodiversity enhancements(s), on the basis that we are required to seek these in the processing of our duties, planning included. Suggestions on biodiversity measures that could be incorporated can be found in Biodiversity Enhancement Measures, Biodiversity Net Benefit: Householders and submission of the form Biodiversity Enhancements Information Form with your application would greatly assist.

For further information, the Planning Ecologist can be contacted through planning enquiries.

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