Conservation Areas and Conservation Area Consent

Planning requirements in Conservation Areas

Local authorities have a legal duty to preserve and enhance the character of conservation areas.  To help achieve this there are a number of additional items that require planning permission or Conservation Area Consent:

  • Demolition requires Conservation Area Consent if the building is over 115 cubic metres is size.
  • Demolition of a wall fronting a highway over 1 metre in height will require Conservation Area Consent.
  • Erecting a satellite dish on an elevation that fronts onto the highway will require Planning Permission.
  • Demolition of industrial buildings require Conservation Area Consent if the demolition is more that 50% of the volume of the building.
  • Insertion of dormers, rooflights and fixing of solar power panels to front elevation roofs may also require Planning Permission.

As the rules are complex it is always advisable to contact the Building Conservation or Development Control sections at the National Park Authority prior to carrying out works.  Contact details are at the bottom of the page.

Conservation Area Consent

When the Authority considers whether to grant or to refuse an application, it must have special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the conservation area, and those features which make it special.  So when planning proposed changes you should also consider the features that makes the Conservation Area special. Other things to consider are:

  • A full structural survey may be required to justify the loss of a significant building in a conservation area.
  • A conservation area mini statement will need to be carried out as part of the design process.  This will need to be included in a Design and
    Access statement showing how the replacement design preserves or enhances the conservation area.
  • It is unlikely that Conservation Area Consent will be approved for demolition of a building that does not include a replacement scheme.

It is recommended that you first contact Authority’s Building Conservation Officer or Development Control Officer to discuss what work you are proposing to carry out. They will be able to advice on whether or not you will need Conservation Area Consent (as well as any other permissions that may be relevant). This simple act could save you a lot of time and money.  Contact details are at the bottom of the page.

Trees in Conservation Areas

Trees play a very significant role in the character of a Conservation Area, because of this trees in Conservation Areas are protected.  A tree is protected if it measures 75mm diameter at 1.5m from ground level.  If it is a multi-stemmed tree then each stem must measure 75mm diameter at 1.5m from ground level in order to count as a tree.

If you wish to fell or carryout works to a tree in a Conservation Area you must provide 6 weeks notice to the National Park Authority.  This notice is called a Section 211 and can be downloaded here.  This six notice is used to assess the amenity importance of the tree to the wider community and the appropriateness of further protection being served in the form of a Tree Preservation Order.

You can find additional information about Tree in Conservation Areas in the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park here.


Design in Conservation Areas

Design within Conservation Areas is important in order to maintain the special qualities of the area.  Design that does not reflect the character of the Conservation Area or building will not normally be acceptable.

The National Park Authority is embarking on producing Conservation Area Characterisation for each our four Conservation Areas. These documents will help to provide advice about design within each Conservation Area.

The Technical advice note (TAN) 24 contains more information and advice on Conservation Areas and Conservation Area Consent.

Contact Us:
Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority
Phone: 01874 624 437
8.30 – 17.00 Monday to Thursday and 8.30 – 16.30 Friday