People Value “Beautiful” Crickhowell

Four weeks of community consultation has recently ended in Crickhowell with local residents, businesses and organisations having their say on their local environment and community life as part of the Place Plan process being run by Crickhowell Town Council and Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority.

Over 170 people attended a two day event in the Clarence Hall with over 400 additional responses received through postcards, letters, emails and a community survey.

Chair of Crickhowell Town Council, Town Councillor Paul Evans commenting on the recent consultation, said, “From leafletting over 1200 households and businesses, through to our face to face sessions in the Clarence Hall to our community questionnaire, we really want to reach out to all parts of the community, so they feel included in the conversation about their town.

We are now reading through everyone’s comments and will come back soon with what people have told us and set out some priorities for action. Whilst people see Crickhowell as a “beautiful” place, early reading raises challenges around traffic, affordable housing, young people and their needs, community facilities and how can play our part in tackling climate change. Thanks to everyone that filled in a postcard or questionnaire or took the time to see us in the Clarence Hall.  We value everyone’s contribution!”

A full report of consultation will be soon shared across the community by the Town Council and the National Park Authority, with their Place Plan Regeneration consultant Chris Jones starting to draw up some proposals for further consultation in the New Year.

Helen Lucocq, Strategy and Policy Manager at Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority, commenting on the Place Plan and comments generated through the consultation, said, “It’s great to see that people really care about a town such as Crickhowell, having an eye on the environment as well as everyday facilities they need as a resident, business, local organisation and visitor.  The Park Authority see Place Plans as a way to stimulate debate on how local agendas can feed into the wider management of the Park area.  This is a great start, and we look forward to seeing proposals coming out of the process.”

If you want to find our more about the Crickhowell Place Plan, please visit  to find out further information.  If you are interested and wish to stay up-to-date on the project, with key dates and the latest news, please sign up to our mailing list at by registering interest at