Nature rights for the Usk Catchment

Posted on 12 Jun 2024

The Usk Catchment Partnership are thrilled to announce the appointment of We are Nature Based CIC to act as Nature Guardian to the core group of the Partnership. This appointment signifies a pivotal moment in the partnerships’ ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and conservation within the Usk Catchment area by ensuring the rights of nature are enshrined into decision making processes.

The appointment follows an ongoing discussion within the Partnership about how we ensure that planning and policy development helps nature thrive.  Following a series of learning days and discussion with others who have successfully put nature on the board, such as Faith in Nature, the core group decided that there was opportunity to appoint a development position, to help progress and give voice to nature in our emerging Integrated Catchment Plan for the Usk (due for consultation at the end of this year).  The position of Nature Guardian is fixed term to cover a 24month development and implementation period, and will culminate in the publication of a full job description, operating procedure and person specification, with the aim of handing on the position to two further nature guardians at the end of the term.

We are Nature Based are a Community Interest Company operating across the UK but with strong links to the Usk Catchment.  Their guiding ethos is to look to nature first in everything they do, they strongly believe in the importance of connecting people and organisations to nature in order to address the challenges that nature and climate emergencies pose.

For more information or media inquiries, please contact:

Helen Lucocq, Head of Policy

About Us: The Usk Catchment Partnership is a collaborative programme dedicated to conserving and enhancing the natural resources of the Usk Catchment area. Our diverse group of stakeholders works together to promote sustainable management practices, protect valuable habitats, and foster a thriving ecosystem for the benefit of all.

The partnership is hosted by Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority and funded by Welsh Government.  At the heart of the partnership is the Core Group.  Formed in April 2023 following a process of co-design with key stakeholders, the core group’s role is to formulate a plan for the ecological restoration of the River Usk, including but not limited to a plan to reduce nutrient loading within the Usk to help facilitate affordable housing, in line with the Welsh Government’s priority action plan.

Besides the Nature Guardian role, membership comprises:- 

•            Dwr Cymru Welsh Water – Catchments team

•            Dwr Cymru Welsh Water – River quality liaison

•            Natural Resources Wales – Environment Team (South East)

•            Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority – Member

•            Powys County Council – Cabinet Lead for a Greener Powys

•            Monmouthshire County Council – Cabinet Member for climate and the environment

•            Wye and Usk Foundation

•            Wildlife Trusts (represented by Gwent Wildlife Trust)

•            Save the River Usk

•            Beacons Water Group